21 Tinfoil Hat Posts From Your Crazy Cousins
When people are left to their own devices on the internet, they often wind up drawing some weird conclusions.
Published 10 months ago in Wtf
When people are left to their own devices on the internet, they often wind up drawing some weird conclusions. Unfortunately, if they have a following, those conclusions can spread to millions of people who can't think for themselves. The world wide web is full of "tinfoil hat" theories, and websites like Facebook and Reddit are breeding grounds for them. But as scary as misinformation is, it's still fun to laugh at the stupidity of mankind. In that spirit, here are tinfoil hat theories your crazy cousins probably posted online.
Behind Donald Trump, Taylor Swift is the most obsessed-over person in the United States, both by her lovers and her haters. If that isn't a snapshot of the current societal climate then I don't know what is. But while some people seem convinced that she's the proverbial second coming, others actually believe she is the Antichrist.
See one of those theories along with plenty of other outlandish tinfoil hat theories right here.